Market Research Agency with

360° Approach

Data-Driven Insights to Your Business Needs

Market Research For a B2B SaaS Service
Challenge: Forming Specific Parameters of the SaaS Product, Determining Target Market Niche and Client Profile Solution: Conducted competitive intelligence, analyzing the functionality, features, and pricing...
Market Entry Strategy For a Freeze-Dried Fruit Chips Manufacturer
Challenge: A manufacturer of freeze-dried fruit chips, was to enter the markets of the USA, Europe, and MENA with the right assortment of flavors, packaging types, and product weights, while formulating an effective positioning strategy for these markets...
Market Research And Competitive Analysis For a Smart Toys Manufacturing Company
The company produces a range of interactive and educational toys for children aged 2-8 years. The company is based in Europe and has been successful in its home market. However, the manage...


Research Services for Comprehensive Market Insights. Discover Consumer Attitudes, Competitor Strategies and Market Trends

Our advantages

Our competencies allow companies to optimize the main costs: time, money and human resources.

Comprehensive Analysis

Our team of experts is proficient in conducting and interpreting various research techniques. With our services, you can trust that the data collected from these diverse sources will be interpreted accurately, providing you with a comprehensive analysis.

Save valuable time and resources

With our services, your employees won't have to spend their time researching and learning new techniques. They can focus on their core tasks, while we handle the research.

Fast and Efficient Results

Our streamlined processes and team of experts allow us to conduct research quickly and efficiently. We can even conduct multiple studies simultaneously, providing you with comprehensive results in record time.

Tailored to Your Needs

We have a deep understanding of your business needs and use the most appropriate methods to provide you with the insights you require. We present you actionable recommendations.

Our Problem-Solving Approach Helps Businesses Overcome Challenges ​

Identifying Priority Markets​

We help you find the best places to sell your products or services by analyzing market size, competition, and customer demographics.

Market Entry Strategy

We assist you in analyzing customer needs and preferences, as well as the target market and competition, to identify potential opportunities and risks.

Testing Hypotheses

We can test your ideas and determine if the data supports them.

Product Development

We provide information about whether a product is likely to succeed, what customers want, and what's popular in the market.

Developing Pricing Strategies

We can help you find the optimal price for your products or services by considering customer demand, competition, and market trends.


We assist companies in understanding market changes and customer requirements, and offer advice on how to adjust.

Understanding Customer Needs and Preferences

We help you understand what your customers want and like, so you can create better products and marketing plans.

Optimizing Customer Experience

We explain how customers experience your product/service, identify problems, and suggest ways to make it better.

Understanding the Competitive Landscape

We analyze your rivals' strengths, weaknesses, and market positions to help you develop effective strategies.

Improving Customer Satisfaction

We help you identify areas where customers are dissatisfied and provide solutions to improve their experience.

    Contact us

    We will discuss your tasks and offer the most suitable set of tools

    Solutions for industries

    Our knowledge and tools have already found applications in the following industries, but are not limited to them

    Business tasks: market and consumer behavior analysis, product positioning and marketing strategy, customer satisfaction and loyalty, competitive analysis, sales and distribution channel optimization

    Research methods: customer surveys, market analysis, competitor research, JTBD interviews, UX testing, mystery shopping, secondary market research, SEO analysis, ad campaign analysis

    By conducting customer interviews and panel surveys, businesses in this industry will gain valuable insights into their target audience’s wants and needs, preferences and motivations, enabling them to create and sell products that better meet their customers’ demands. Our competitor research will provide a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape, enabling businesses to position themselves effectively and stand out in the market. With the help of our SEO analysis and ad campaigns, businesses can learn what search terms their target customers are using, what messaging resonates with them, and how to optimize their online presence to attract and convert more customers.



    Our market research will provide a deep understanding of customer behavior and purchasing patterns in the digital space, helping businesses to make informed decisions about product offerings, pricing, and promotions.

    Our ad campaigns will enable e-commerce businesses to experiment with various messages, imagery, and offers to determine what resonates most with their target customers and drives the most conversions.

    Our competitor research will help businesses stay ahead of the curve by staying informed about their competitors’ strategies and staying ahead of the curve.

    Our research can help healthcare businesses understand their target customers’ needs and preferences when it comes to healthcare products and services, allowing them to make informed decisions about product development and marketing strategies.

    Our secondary market research will provide valuable information about the latest trends and developments in the healthcare industry, helping businesses stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions.

    Our panel surveys and online surveys will enable businesses to gather insights into their target customers’ opinions, attitudes, and behaviors towards healthcare, enabling them to develop targeted marketing strategies.

    Our customer interviews and exploratory interviews will help IT and SaaS businesses understand their target customers’ needs and pain points, enabling them to create and market solutions that better meet their customers’ demands.

    Our competitor research will provide valuable insights into the competitive landscape, allowing businesses to position themselves effectively and stand out in the market.

    Our SEO analysis and ad campaigns will help businesses identify the keywords and messaging that resonate with their target customers, allowing them to optimize their online presence and drive more conversions.

    Our research can help manufacturers understand their target customers’ needs and preferences when it comes to the products they produce, enabling them to make informed decisions about product development and marketing strategies.

    Our competitor research will provide valuable insights into the competitive landscape, allowing businesses to position themselves effectively and stand out in the market.

    Our panel surveys and online surveys will enable businesses to gather insights into their target customers’ opinions, attitudes, and behaviors towards the products they manufacture, allowing them to develop targeted marketing strategies.

    Our research can help industrial production businesses understand their target customers’ needs and preferences when it comes to the products they produce, enabling them to make informed decisions about product development and marketing strategies.

    Our competitor research will provide valuable insights into the competitive landscape, allowing businesses to position themselves effectively and stand out in the market.

    Our panel surveys and online surveys will enable businesses to gather insights into their target customers’ opinions, attitudes, and behaviors towards the products they manufacture, allowing them to develop targeted marketing strategies.

    Our research can help transportation and logistics businesses understand their target customers’ needs and preferences when it comes to shipping and transportation services, enabling them to make informed decisions about product development and marketing strategies.

    Market Analysis: Understanding the transportation and logistics market is crucial for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve. Our market research will provide a deep dive into the trends, challenges, and opportunities in the industry, and help companies identify the best strategies to stay competitive.

    Customer Insights: Customer satisfaction is key to success in the transportation and logistics industry. Our customer research services will help companies understand what their customers want and need, and how they can improve their services to meet these needs.

    Competitor Analysis: Keeping a close eye on the competition is important for companies in the transportation and logistics industry. Our competitor research will provide an in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of key players in the market, and help companies identify areas where they can differentiate themselves from their competitors.

    Finding the Right Angle: Navigating Market Research with a 360-Degree Approach

    About us

    At Exceltic Research, we believe that custom research is the key to unlocking growth and success for businesses. Our approach is focused on delivering actionable, objective insights tailored to each individual business task.

    Deep dive into the client's business

    We start by understanding the unique challenges and goals of each of our clients, and then use a combination of diverse research methods to gather comprehensive 360-degree data. 

    Wide set research tools

    By carefully selecting the right combination of research tools for each project, we are able to provide in-depth and diverse insights that help our clients make informed decisions and achieve their goals.

    Practical Conclusions

    We are dedicated to providing the highest quality research and support, and we work closely with our clients to interpret data, draw conclusions, develop hypotheses, and improve their performance.

    Research for your business