
Market Research For A Logistics Company

Challenge: Finding Market Share Growth Points and Attracting High-Yield Customers.
Solution: Conducted an analysis of the company’s customer base to identify priority customer segments...

Market Research For A
B2B SaaS Service

Challenge: Forming Specific Parameters of the SaaS Product, Determining Target Market Niche and Client Profile
Solution: Conducted competitive intelligence, analyzing the functionality, features, and pricing...

Market Research For A Freeze-Dried Fruit Chips Manufacturer

Challenge: A manufacturer of freeze-dried fruit chips, was to enter the markets of the USA, Europe, and MENA with the right assortment of flavors, packaging types, and product weights, while formulating an effective positioning strategy for these markets...

Improving Sales Script For A
Mobile Network Retail Chain

Challenge: The challenge for a large retail network of mobile phone stores was to improve the efficiency of sales scripts used by sales consultants for the selection of suitable telecom tariffs, as standard scripts were yielding ineffective results.
Solution: To tackle this challenge...

Global Expansion Strategy For An Online Telemedicine Service

Challenge: The challenge for an online telemedicine service that previously operated in Russia was to expand globally and establish a presence in new markets while ensuring compliance with local regulations...

Market Research And Competitive Analysis For Industrial Manufacturing Company

Challenge: The challenge for a company was to understand the Market and Competitive Landscape, Identifying Opportunities for Product and Service Expansion...

Patient Satisfaction Survey For A Private Clinic

Challenge: The challenge for a hospital was to improve patient satisfaction and experience by identifying key areas for improvement. Solution: Conducted a comprehensive survey of all patients who had stayed at the hospital in the last 6 months, asking questions about their...

Market Research And Competitive Analysis For a Smart Toys Manufacturing Company

The company produces a range of interactive and educational toys for children aged 2-8 years. The company is based in Europe and has been successful in its home market. However, the manage...